The unique offer secured through our partnership with TechCards™ Canada is open to all your Chamber of Commerce members in good standing . The customized platform for your co-branded Chamber Digital Identity Card also has additional features that have been added for members and are not available to the general public at this price. Their Chamber membership entitles them to a one-time savings of $100 and a discounted annual fee of $120.
$120 Sign Up Fee including 1st year subscription.
$120/ year after 1st year anniversary.
Developed by MOBIFLY CANADA in collaboration with DRAGON'S EYE CONSULTING INC.
Distributed in the USA by: MOMENTUM - The Business Growth Agency, 4001 River Road, SUite 201 Tonawanda, NY 14150

Exciting News For Chambers of Commerce Across the U.S.!
Momentum - The Business Growth Agency and TechCards ™ have partnered on your next member benefit program - a new, innovative mobile marketing platform to take your member's sales and business development efforts to the next level.
TechCards ™ is your digital identity, web presence, social media hub and lead generator rolled into one personalized NFC enabled micro-chip card. And it's available to your members through an exciting program specifically designed for various Chambers of Commerce across the U.S.A.
The world has shifted in it's attitude around business and in creating new opportunities through the use of traditional tools and methodologies. TechCards ™ leveraged technology and innovation to help you uncover and connect with those opportunities in person or across any digital platform to future proof your business and speak to your customer regrdless of their preferred choice of communication.
For Chambers of Commerce, TechCards ™ provides a new, innovative solution for your members that will not only attract attention, but can be up-and-running in less than a week. TechCards' ™ partnership with Momentum offers you a recurring revenue generation resource for you when your members sign up.
In addition, for every member who signs up through your chamber, their personalized page features YOUR logo, highligthing their membership with you, and a link for anyone seeing the page to join.
Our price structure is designed to reflect the balance between affordability and sustainability.
Book a ZOOM call with us to discuss different plan options.
The world has shifted in its attitude around business and in creating new opportunities through the use of traditional tools and methodologies. TechCards™ leverages technology and innovation to help you uncover and connect with those opportunities in person or across any digital platform to future proof your business and speak to your customer regardless of their preferred choice of communication.
TechCards™ NFC
Ready to Use, Microchip enabled NFC Card.
Full Color Background
Name or Company Name
Position or Title
Company Logo or Profile Photo
QR Code (Optional)
Digital ID App
Company Logo
Profile Photo
Call, Email, SMS Buttons
Add to Contacts Button
Link to Website
Link to 2 External urls
Link to up to 6 Social Media Channels
Add to Homescreen Feature & Icon
Address with GPS Function
QR Code
Secured (https) Personalized Subdomain
Facebook or Twitter Live Feed Embed
Be Multi Dimensional.
Widen Your Digital Footprint.

Credit Card Size
Through the Momentum and TechCards™ program:
- You're providing a forward-thinking, innovative and practical business development solution for your members.
- You're hosting a unique revenue-generating program that requires nothing from you but promotion.
- You're creating "Billboards" for your own work out of your members.
Tap button below to set up a 15-minute Zoom call with us to discuss how our program works best for you or email at craig@momentumforbusinessgrowth.com .
The concept of regenerative business is quickly replacing the traditional "Take, Make and Dispose" model with a more circular approach. Businesses should be ready for "End of Abundance" thinking particularly relating to the environment. This has led to a massive repositioning towards all things Digital. TechCards™ greatly expands your accesibility while reducing your environmental footprint and because it primarily exists on mobile, you'll always be there when your clients need you and will always be aligned with the moments that matter.